Colleen "Grygon" Wright
2006-07-26 00:04:34 UTC
Dang, I'm glad I was reading this today! I was just last week
considering using my computer's cleaner on my Nikon D70. It has
something, somewhere on the lens that leaves a burry, but tiny, dot on
all my photoes. I've been using Adobe's "bandaid" toolto get it out
for a year now, but I just want to clean the thing off. Problem is- i
can't see it with my naked eye, I've looked and looked for the bugger.
considering using my computer's cleaner on my Nikon D70. It has
something, somewhere on the lens that leaves a burry, but tiny, dot on
all my photoes. I've been using Adobe's "bandaid" toolto get it out
for a year now, but I just want to clean the thing off. Problem is- i
can't see it with my naked eye, I've looked and looked for the bugger.
Yeah... actually it wasn't about dissolving the plastics so much as
foaming up and leaving a layer of non-evaporating chemical goop all
over the sensor. I don't think I ever got all of it out of the
corners where the frame is overlaid on the sensor surface.
Fortunately you can't really tell on the photos...
foaming up and leaving a layer of non-evaporating chemical goop all
over the sensor. I don't think I ever got all of it out of the
corners where the frame is overlaid on the sensor surface.
Fortunately you can't really tell on the photos...